Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

Jared Dulmage

Jared Dulmage earned his B.S.E. from Duke University in 1999 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from UCLA in 2007. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Unwired Lab under Dr. Mike Fitz. His research interests include mobile wireless systems modeling, methodologies and tools for rapid system prototyping, and software-defined radio.
Research Groups
- UCLA Wireless Research and Development (UnWiReD) lab, Dr. Michael P. Fitz, 2003–2010
- UCLA Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (CORES) lab, Dr. Danijela Cabric, 2008–2010
Journal Articles
Magazine Articles
- J. Dulmage, M.P. Fitz, Nonisotropic fading channel model for the highway environment, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2007, pp: 12-18
Conference Publications
- J. Dulmage, M. P. Fitz, D. Čabrić, A Modulation Dependent Channel Coherence Metric for VANET simulation using IEEE 802.11p, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Vehicular Communications Conference, (IEEE WiVEC), 16-17 May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
- J. Dulmage, R. Cioffi, M. P. Fitz, D. Čabrić, Characterization of Distance Error with Received Signal Strength Ranging, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, (IEEE WCNC), 18-20 Apr. 2010, Sydney, Australia
- J. Dulmage, M. P. Fitz, Non-Isotropic Fading Channel Model for the Highway Environment, in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Fall), pp. 2144-2148, 30 Sep. – 3 Oct. 2007, Baltimore, MA, USA
Conference Posters
- J. Dulmage, M. Tsai, M. P. Fitz, B. Daneshrad, COTS-based DSRC Testbed for Rapid Algorithm Development, Implementation, and Test, Proceedings, ACM MOBICOM, Sep, 2006.
- J. Dulmage, M. Tsai, M. P. Fitz, B. Daneshrad, A Case Study in Incremental Prototyping with Reconfigurable Hardware:DSRC Software Defined-Radio, IEEE Tridentcom, May, 2007.
- J. Dulmage, M. P. Fitz, Floating-Point to Field-Tests:A Unified Development Environment for Algorithm Research, UCLA Annual Research Review, Jan, 2008.
Conference Demonstrations
- J. Dulmage, M. Tsai, M. P. Fitz, B. Daneshrad, A Case Study in Incremental Prototyping with Reconfigurable Hardware: DSRC Software-Defined Radio, IEEE Tridentcom, May, 2007.