Han Yan

Han Yan was a MS/PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) from September 2013 to June 2020. While at UCLA, he worked at Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (CORES) Lab under supervision of Prof. Danijela Cabric. During graduate school, he had a broad research interests in signal processing and communication system design for millimeter-wave mobile networks, cooperative unmanned aerial vehicles networks, and dynamic spectrum sharing radios.

His CV can be downloaded here [CV (2020.06)]


Research Projects

Han has contributed in the following research projects during graduate studies:

  • Millimeter-wave beamforming in next generation of cellular systems [Project Summary]
  • Distributed MIMO communication using cooperative UAV swarms [Project Summary]
  • DSP assisted RF impairment compensation in software defined radios [Project Summary]



Journals and Magazines

  • H. Yan and D. Cabric, “Compressive initial access and beamforming training for millimeter-wave cellular systems,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Sept. 2019.

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint] [Simulation Code] [Digest1] [Digest2] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan, S. Ramesh, T. Gallagher, C. Ling, D. Cabric, “Performance, power, and area design trade-offs in millimeter-wave transmitter beamforming architectures,” in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Second Quarter, 2019

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint] [Simulation Code] [Digest1] [Digest2] [Digest3] [BibTeX]

Conferences Proceedings


Selected conference paper and presentation material. Expand to see full list.

  • H. Yan, B. Domae, and D. Cabric, “mmRAPID: Machine learning assisted noncoherent compressive millimeter-wave beam alignment,” (best paper award) in Proc. the 4th ACM Workshop on Millimeter-Wave Networks and Sensing Systems (mmNets), Sept. 2020.

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint]

  • H. Yan, V. Boljanovic, and D. Cabric, “Wideband millimeter-wave beam training with true-time-delay array architecture,” (invited paper) in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2019.

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint] [Slides] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan and D. Cabric, “DSP linearization for millimeter-wave all-digital receiver array with low-resolution ADCs,” (invited paper) in IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2019.

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan, S. Hanna, K. Balke, R. Gupta, and D. Cabric, “Software defined radio implementation of carrier and timing synchronization for distributed arrays,” in IEEE Aerospace Conference (AeroConf), Mar. 2019.

[Paper] [arXiv Preprint] [Slides] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan, V. Boljanovic, D. Cabric, “Tracking sparse mmWave channel: performance analysis under intra-cluster angular spread,” (invited paper) in IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). Jun. 2018

[Paper] [Poster] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan, S. Chaudhari, D. Cabric, “Wideband channel tracking for mmWave MIMO system with hybrid beamforming architecture,” (invited paper) in IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Dec. 2017.

[Paper] [Slides] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan and D. Cabric, “Digital predistortion for hybrid precoding architecture in millimeter-wave massive MIMO systems,” in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2017.

[Paper] [Slides] [BibTeX] [Simulation Code]

  • H. Yan and D. Cabric, “Compressive sensing based initial beamforming training for massive MIMO millimeter-wave systems,” (IEEE travel grant) in IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Dec. 2016.

[Paper] [Slides] [BibTeX]

  • H. Yan and D. Cabric, “Digitally enhanced inter-modulation distortion compensation in wideband spectrum sensing,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2016.

[Paper] [Slides] [BibTeX]

White Papers, Posters, and Academic Presentations


Academic white paper and presentations. Expand to see full list

  • D. Cabric and H. Yan, “Millimeter-wave beam management for 5G-NR and beyond,” presented as tutorial in IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Dec. 2019.


Industry Experience

Intern, Wireless Systems Engineer, Telefar Co., Los Angeles (Summer and Fall 2019)

  • Worked as Facebook Connectivity contractor to develop millimeter-wave (mmW) channel sounder.
  • Developed sounding and analysis tool to characterize interference in 60GHz mesh networks.
  • Developed antenna weight vector design API for interference mitigation via analog beamforming.

Intern, Communication Systems, Maxlinear Inc., Carlsbad (Summer 2017)

  • Analyzed and simulated throughput, power consumption and cost trade-off in three trending mmW transmitter array architectures.

Other Academic Activities

Research Proposal

As graduate student researcher, Han has contributed in obtaining multiple research grants, where he conducted literature survey, research problems formulation, preliminary research, and participated in proposals writing.

Q3 2019NSF (NeTS)[awarded]
Q2 2019Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship[awarded]
Q1 2019NSF (ECCS regular)[awarded]
Q2 2018DARPA SRC JUMP[awarded]
Q4 2016NSF NeTS[awarded]
Q2 2016DARPA SBIR Phase I[awarded]


Han has been teaching assistant (2016-2019) and teaching associate (2019-2020) at UCLA for multiple courses, where he leads discussion sections and office hours, makes assignment, and helps instructor to prepare and grade projects and exams.

QuarterCourse[Collapse]Overall Rating
Spring 2019ECE 233 Wireless Communications8.2 / 9.0
Winter 2017EE 102 Signal and Systems8.7 / 9.0
Fall 2016EE 230A Detection and Estimation in Communication Systems7.8 / 9.0
Winter 2016EE 102 Signal and Systems7.5 / 9.0

Peer-Review Service

The following table summarizes the conference and journal paper peer-review service (including service as volunteer, i.e., no credit)

2020.05IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing
2020.05IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
2020.05IEEE Access
2020.04IEEE Communication Letters
2020.042020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)2 papers
2020.04IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
2020.03IEEE Access
2020.032020 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)as volunteer
2020.02IEEE Access
2020.02IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
2020.01IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
2020.01IEEE Transactions on Communications
2019.12IEEE System JournalAlso reviewed R1 (2020.03)
2019.12IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
2019.112020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
2019.09IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsAlso reviewed R1 (2020.02)
2019.08IEEE Transactions on Communications
2019.07IEEE System Journal
2019.06IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications2 papers (1 as volunteer)
2019.05IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
2019.04IEEE Transactions on Signal ProcessingAlso reviewed R1 (2020.02)
2019.032019 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)3 papers (2 as volunteer)
2019.03IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing3 papers (2 as volunteer)
2019.02IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
2019.01IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
2018.122019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)2 papers (2 as volunteer)
2018.11IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing
2018.11IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communication and Network
2018.11IEEE System Journal
2018.07IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing
2018.072018 ACM mmNet Workshopas volunteer
2018.062018 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)
2018.05IEEE Transaction on Cognitive Communication and Network
2018.05IEEE System Journal
2018.04IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsAlso reviewed R1 (201806) and R2 (201808)
2018.022018 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom)2 papers (2 as volunteer)
2018.02IEEE Communication Letters
2018.02IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
2018.01IEEE System Journal
2018.01IEEE Transaction on Wireless CommunicationsAs volunteer
2017.12IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology
2017.082017 IEEE IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PMIRC)
2017.072017 ACM Mobicom mmNet Workshopas volunteer
2016.072016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)3 papers (3 as volunteer)
2016.06Hindawi EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
2015.09IEEE Transaction on Cognitive Communication and Network
2015.062015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)as volunteer

Contact Information
