Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

Shailesh Chaudhari
Hello and welcome to my page. I have completed PhD in the Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (CORES) Lab at UCLA in June 2018. I am currently working at Samsung Semiconductor, Inc on developing advanced algorithms for 5G modem. During my graduate study, I worked on the following topics:
- Machine learning for 5G/wireless communications,
- Channel selection and power allocation for underlay CR using Markovian Multi-Armed Bandit approach,
- Interference management, power allocation, and user selection in underlay cognitive radio network with Massive MIMO,
- Transmitter localization in the presence of interference,
- Blind modulation classification of unknown signals.
- Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2018
- M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2013
- B.Tech. Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Pune, India, 2010
Journals, Letters and Magazines
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Power Control and Frequency Band Selection Policies for Underlay MIMO Cognitive Radio,” in IEEE Trans. on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Jan 2019 (IEEE)(Arxiv pre-print).
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “QoS Aware Power Allocation and User Selection in Massive MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Jan. 2018. (IEEE)|(Arxiv pre-print).
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Cyclic Weighted Centroid Algorithm for Transmitter Localization in the Presence of Interference”, in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 162-177, June 2016. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print).
Conferences and Workshops
- S. Chaudhari, H. Kwon, and K.-B. Song, “MIMO Detector Selection for Multiple High-Order Modulations with Unified Neural Network”, accepted in IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2020.
- S. Chaudhari, H. Kwon, and K.-B. Song, “Reliable and Low-Complexity MIMO Detector Selection using Neural Network”, Proc. IEEE ICNC, Feb. 2020. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Unsupervised Frequency Clustering for Null Space Estimation in Wideband Spectrum Sharing Networks”, in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Nov. 2017. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Kuiper Test based Modulation Level Classification under Unknown Frequency Selective Channels”], in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Nov. 2017. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
- H.Yan, S. Chaudhari, D. Cabric, “Wideband Channel Tracking for mmWave MIMO System with Hybrid Beamforming Architecture”, (invited paper) in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), December 2017. (IEEE)
- X Wang, S. Chaudhari, M. Laghate, and D. Cabric, “Wideband Spectrum Sensing Measurement Results using Tunable Front-End and FPGA Implementation”, accepted to Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, October 2017.
- M. Laghate, S. Chaudhari, and D. Cabric, “USRP N210 Demonstration of Wideband Sensing and Blind Hierarchical Modulation Classification,” accepted to IEEE DySPAN Workshop: Battle of the ModRecs, March 2017. [ Paper ] (IEEE)
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Feasibility of Serving K Secondary Users in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks using Massive MIMO”, in proc. of 11th international ITG conference on Systems, Communications, and Coding (SCC), Feb. 2017. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Downlink Transceiver Beamforming and Admission Control for Massive MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks”], Asilomar Conference, May 2015. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
- S. Chaudhari and D. Cabric, “Cyclic Weighted Centroid Localization for Spectrally Overlapped Sources in Cognitive Radio Networks”, Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2014 IEEE , vol., no., pp.935,940, 8-12 Dec. 2014. (IEEE) | (Arxiv pre-print)
Posters and Presentations
- Shailesh Chaudhari, Danijela Cabric, “Localization of Cyclostationary Sources in Presence of Spectrally Overlapped Interferers”, UCLA Annual Research Review (ARR 2013), Dec. 11, 2013.
- Shailesh Chaudhari, Danijela Cabric, ” Interference-Robust Cyclic Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm for Non-cooperative Targets in Cognitive Radio Networks” , UCLA Annual Research Review (ARR 2015), Feb. 27, 2015.
Note: All the documents here have been submitted by the authors to scholarly journals or conferences as indicated, for the purpose of non-commercial dissemination of scientific work. These manuscripts are copyrighted by the authors or the journals in which they were published. You may use a manuscript for scholarly, non-commercial purposes, such as research or instruction, provided that you agree to respect these copyrights and cite the articles.
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Communication Letters
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communication and Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
Master’s Project
- Shailesh Chaudhari, “On Performance Improvement in 4×4 MIMO System over SISO in Indoor Environment”
Academic Awards
- UCLA Graduate Division Fellowship, 2013-14.
- Gold Medal for the 1st rank in all 4 years of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication at College of Engineering, Pune (University of Pune, India)
- Merit Scholarships Received in India:
1. National Talent Search Scholarship (2004-2010)
2. Maharashtra State Talent Search Scholarships (2002-2004)
Teaching Experience
Teaching Fellow at UCLA (Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
Teaching Associate at UCLA (Spring 2014-Winter 2017)
Teaching Assistant at UCLA (Fall 2012-Winter 2014)
Courses taught:
- EE 230A: Estimation and detection for radar signal processing (Fall 2017)
- EE 102: Systems and Signals (Winter 2017, Winter 2016, Spring 2014)
- EE 209AS: Special Topics in Wireless System Design (Spring 2015, Spring 2013)
- PIC 10A: Introduction to Programming (Fall 2012)
- Physics 4BL: Electricity and Magnetism (Spring 2012)
Other Teaching Experience:
- MATLAB Workshop at UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. (September 2014)
Industry Experience
- Staff Engineer, Modem R&D, Samsung Semiconductor Inc., San Diego (Mar. 2021-Present)
- Senior Engineer, Modem R&D, Samsung Semiconductor Inc., San Diego (Jul. 2018-Feb. 2021)
- System Design Intern, WLAN Systems, Qualcomm Inc., San Jose (Jun. 2016-Sep. 2016)
- Embedded Software Intern, Silvus Technologies, Los Angeles (Jan. 2013-May 2013)
- Software Engineer, Cisco Systems, India (Jul. 2010-Jun. 2011)
Contact Information