Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

Jun Wang

Jun Wang, PhD graduate of the Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (CORES) Laboratory at UCLA.
Jun Wang (Download CV) graduated his PhD from the Electrical Engineering Department at University of California Los Angeles in 2014. His research in CORES lab includes techniques for spectrum sensing, transmitter localization, as well as location-aided routing and resource allocation, that are applicable to Cognitive Radio networks. He is now working for Broadcom at Irvine, California. (Last updated: March 2015)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Electrical Engineering, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), CA, USA – September 2014
- GPA: 4.0/4.0
- Adviser: Prof. Danijela Čabrić
- Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong, P.R.China – August 2009
- GPA: 4.3/4.3
- Adviser: Prof. Q.T. ZHANG
- Thesis: Multitaper Spectrum Based Detection for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Electronic Information Engineering(EIE), Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), Beijing, P.R.China – July 2006
- GPA: 3.88/4.0
- Ranking: No.1 in 108 students of EIE
- J. Wang, J. Chen, Y. Lu, M. Gerla, D. Cabric, Robust Power Control under Location and Channel Uncertainty in Cognitive Radio Networks, to appear in IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, April 2015
- J. Werner, J. Wang, A. Hakkarainen, M. Valkama, D. Cabric, Performance and Cramer-Rao Bounds for DoA/RSS Estimation and Transmitter Localization Using Sectorized Antennas, accepted to IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., March 2015
- J. Werner, J. Wang, A. Hakkarainen, N. Gulati, D. Patron, D. Pfeil, D. Dandekar, M. Valkama, D. Cabric, Sectorized Antenna-based DoA Estimation and Localization: Advanced Algorithms and Measurements, accepted to IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., January 2015
- J. Wang, J.Werner, M. Valkama, D. Cabric, Performance Analysis of Primary User RSS/DoA Estimation and Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Sectorized Antennas, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, January 2014
- J. Wang, J. Chen, D. Cabric, Stansfield Localization Algorithm: Theoretical Analysis and Distributed Implementation, IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters, June 2013
- J. Wang, J. Chen, D. Cabric, “Cramer-Rao Bounds for Joint RSS/DoA-Based Primary-User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.12, no.3, pp.1363-1375, March 2013, Matlab Code: Media:JointCRB_Sim.zip
- J. Wang, P. Urriza, Y. Han, D. Cabric, “Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm: Theoretical Analysis and Distributed Implementation”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.10, pp.3403-3413, October 2011
- J. Werner, J. Wang, A. Hakkarainen, M. Valkama, D. Cabric, Primary User DoA and RSS Estimation in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Sectorized Antennas, accepted to the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2013)
- J. Werner, J. Wang, A. Hakkarainen, M. Valkama, D. Cabric, Primary User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Sectorized Antennas, in Proc. The 10th Annual Conference on Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2013), 18-20 Mar. 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada
- J. Wang, D. Cabric,A Cooperative DoA-based Algorithm for Localization of Multiple Primary-Users in Cognitive Radio Networks, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom 2012), 3-7 Dec. 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA
- F. Penna, J. Wang, D. Cabric, “Cooperative Localization of Primary Users by Directional Antennas or Antenna Arrays: Challenges and Design Issues (Invited Paper)”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI 2011), 3-8 Jul. 2011, Spokane, WA, USA
- J. Wang, P. Urriza, Y. Han, and D. Cabric, “Performance Analysis of Weighted Centroid Algorithm for Primary User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks”, in Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 7-10 Nov. 2010, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- J. Wang, Q. Zhang, “A Multitaper Spectrum Based Detector for Cognitive Radio” , in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2009), pp.1-5, 5-8 Apr. 2009, Budapest, Hungary
Academic Presentations
- J. Wang, D. Cabric, Primary User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks: Bounds and Design Guidelines, Poster Session, CESASC Scholarship Ceremony, 30 March 2013, San Gabriel, CA, USA
- J. Wang, J. Chen, D. Cabric, Cramer-Rao Bounds for Joint RSS/DoA-Based Primary-User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks, Novel Communications Algorithms Session, UCLA Annual Research Review (ARR 2012), 4 Dec. 2012, Presentation Slides
- J. Wang, P. Urriza, Y. Han, and D. Cabric, Performance Analysis of Weighted Centroid Algorithm for Primary User Localization in Cognitive Radio Networks, Poster Session, UCLA Annual Research Review (ARR 2011), 2 Mar. 2011
Research and Professional Experience
- Spatial-Temporal Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks (Sep. 2009–Dec. 2014)
- Cognitive Radio Embedded Systems Laboratory, UCLA
- Description: System development and performance analysis for transmitter localization algorithms in cognitive radio networks, using cooperative sensors with multiple antennas. Current focus is low-power and distributed localization algorithm design. Programming using Matlab (refer to Publications section for outcomes)
- Development of 802.16d/e (WiMax) Prototype Baseband/RF ASIC (Jul. 2006–Jun 2007)
- WiMax Baseband Algorithm Develop. Group, Beijing Embedded System Key Lab, P.R.China
- Description: Designed several physical layer modules of OFDM receivers, including interpolator, channel estimator/equalizer and signal mapper. Implemented them with Verilog, used ModelSim for behavioral simulation, Synplofy for synthesis, ISE for placement and routing. Testing and verification on Vertex IV FPGA.
- Design and Implementation of Hardware/Software VoIP System (Nov. 2005–Jun. 2006)
- Voice Over IP (VoIP) Research Group, Beijing Embedded System Key Lab, P.R.China
- Description: Implemented Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) on VoIP embedded system platform composed of a microprocessor (Freescale MPC860P) and a DSP (TI TMS320VC549), programming using C++/C on VxWorks RTOS.
- CESASC Scholarship, Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC), 2013
- Excellent Leadership Award, Consulate General of P.R.China, Los Angeles, 2012
- Excellent Organization Award, Consulate General of P.R.China, Los Angeles, 2011
- Member of Top-Three Teams, Qualcomm Research Competition for Cognitive Radio, 2010
- 1-Year Academic Fellowship, UCLA, 2009
- 2-Years Academic Fellowship, Hong Kong Government, 2007
- Certificate for Assistant Engineer of Electronic Design, Chinese Institute of Electronics, 2007
- National First Prize, “Sony Cup” Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, P.R.China, 2005
- First Rank Scholarship, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), USA, 2005
- First Prize, “Kyocera Cup” Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, Beijing, 2005
- Excellent College Graduate Award, Beijing, 2006
- Excellent Student Award, Beijing (Twice), 2003&2005
- Excellent B.E. Graduation Thesis Award, BJUT, 2006
- First Rank Scholarship and Excellent Student Award, BJUT (Twice), 2003&2005
- Excellent Leadership Award, BJUT, 2003
Contact Information
- Email:seejunwang@ucla.eduuu
- Profiles: