Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

2016/2018 UCLA Cores Lab News
- October, 2018: Welcome to our new visiting researcher: Forough Yaghoubi from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden!
- September, 2018: Welcome to our new graduate students: Yen-Chin Wang and Enes Krijestorac!
- August, 2018: CORES lab joins JUMP SRC center CONIX.
- July, 2018: Professor Danijela Cabric has been promoted to Full Professor.
- June, 2018: Congratulations to Shailesh Chaudhari on defending his Ph.D. thesis!
- May, 2018: Congratulations to Han Yan on receiving the university wide Dissertation Year Fellowship!
- January, 2018: Professor Cabric has been selected to serve as IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.
- September, 2017: Welcome to our new graduate students: Veljko Boljanović and Samer Hanna!
- July, 2017: Welcome to our new visiting researcher: Rico Mendrzik from Hamburg University of Technology, Germany!
- May, 2017: Congratulations to Mihir Laghate on defending his Ph.D. thesis!
- April, 2017: Welcome to our new visiting researcher: Dr. Fereidoun H. Panahi from Keio University, Japan!
- October, 2016: Welcome to our new visiting researcher: Prof. Feng-Tsun Chien from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan!
- January 13, 2016: Welcome to our new visiting researcher: Tom Vermeulen from KU Leuven!
- September 15, 2015: Welcome to our new visiting researchers: Jingwen Zhang from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing and Jun Shi from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin!