Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

2011/2012 UCLA Cores Lab News
- October 18, 2012: Congratulations to Prof. Danijela Čabrić for having received a $500,000 contract from IARPA in collaboration with Professors Lara Dolecek (principal investigator), Greg Pottie and Mani Srivastava for the project entitled “Reliable Inference with Missing, Masked, Malfunctioning or Malicious Sensors (RIM4S)”. (UCLA EE News Article)
- October 1, 2012: We are joined by two new members: Mihir Laghate, a new PhD student working on the RIM4S project and Janis Werner a visting scholar from Tampere University of Technology working on localization. Welcome Mihir and Janis!
- July 2, 2012: Congratulations to Prof. Danijela Čabrić for being a recipient of a funding award through the UCLA Hellman Fellows Program, a competitive campus wide program established to support promising assistant professors.
- March 1, 2012: Jason Tran joins our lab! Welcome Jason!
- February 7, 2012: Congratulations to Prof. Danijela Čabrić for having received the NSF CAREER Award for the project “Cognitive Co-existence in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks” (Abstract)
- Decemebr 1, 2011: Dr. Ali Shahed joins our lab as a visiting scholar from Tempere University of Technology working on non-linearities in cognitive radio receivers. Warm welcome to Ali!
- September 15, 2011: Congratulations to Jun Wang and Paulo Urriza for passing their qualifying exam!
- September 1, 2011: New members join our team this year: Chun-Hao Liu joins us as a new PhD student and Dr. Paschalis Sofotasios as a Visiting Research Scholar. Welcome guys!
- July 1, 2011: After two years of great research contribution to Cores lab, Przemysław Pawełczak heads back to Europe to pursue his professional career. We will miss you Przemek!
- May 18, 2011: Recently published article in IEEE Communications Magazine titled Cognitive Radio: Ten Years of Experimentation and Development, written by UCLA Cores Lab members, has been 18th most downloaded article from IEEE eXplore database (out of approximately three million articles) in March 2011. Complete list of popular IEEE articles in March 2011 is available here and here
- May 12, 2011: Przemysław Pawełczak, UCLA Cores Lab Postdoc, has been nominated for 2011 UCLA Chancellor’s Award for Postdoctoral Research (only 33 out of approximately 1200 postdocs working at UCLA were nominated). Congratulations Przemek!
- April 20, 2011: Eric Rebeiz has passed his preliminary exam, ranked third in the whole UCLA Electrical Engineering Department. Congratulations Eric!
- April 1, 2011: We have a new lab member. Dr. Taehoon Kim, PhD from KAIST, will be working on resource allocation for Cognitive Radio systems.
- March 24, 2011: Federico Penna, completed his visit to UCLA Cores Lab and continues his doctoral thesis work at Politecnico di Torino. Arrivederci Federico!
- March 22, 2011: Wasam Gabran, PhD candidate working at UCLA Cores Lab, has been awarded National Science Foundation student travel grant to attend IEEE DySPAN 2011 conference. Safe Eurotrip Wesam!