Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

2009 UCLA Cores Lab News
- September 29, 2009: UCLA Cores is now on Facebook! Please join our network here.
- September 29, 2009: We have two new PhD students: Jun Wang from China and Paulo Isagani M. Urriza from The Philippines. Welcome to UCLA Gentlemen!
- September 22, 2009: UCLA Cores Lab hosted a talk by Dr Sławomir Stańczak from TU Berlin and Heinrich Hertz Institute on Decentralized Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Power-Controlled Wireless Networks. Before the talk an introduction on research activities on Cognitive Radio communication within Heinrich Hertz Institute by Dr. Thomas Haustein was given.
- August 4, 2009: UCLA Cores Lab has a new visitor. Mr Jung-Mao Lin, from Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, during the course of his one year stay in Cores Lab will investigate filterbank-based Cognitive Radio communications.
- July 7, 2009: Dr Przemysław Pawełczak joined UCLA Cores Lab as a first Postdoc. He will be working on system level aspects of Cognitive Radio networks.