Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab

Sub-THz Component Literature Survey
This dataset contains a literature survey of D-band (110 – 170GHz) and G-band (140 – 220 GHz) receiver circuit components published up to mid-2021. The survey was created to better study the tradeoff between antenna array architectures, power consumption, and communications capability in multi-user (MU) capable MIMO receivers. The complete tradeoff study is discussed in [1].
Version History
v3 – October 13, 2021 (Released January 26, 2022)
[1] B. W. Domae, C. Chen, D. Cabric, “Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs for Sub-THz Multi-User MIMO Base Station Receivers,” to appear at the 55th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2022).