Cognitive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems Lab
Archived Projects
Estimation and Characterization of Frequency Hopping Interferers Using Spectral Sensing Techniques
Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm: Theoretical Analysis and Distributed Implementation
Secure Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Reliable Wideband Spectrum Sensing under Strong Interference Environments in Cognitive Radios
Joint Spectrum Sensing and Medium Access Control
Self-Healing Mixed-Signal Baseband Processor for Cognitive Radios
Energy Efficient Blind Automatic Modulation Classification
Robust Wideband Spectrum Sensing under Interferers
Massive MIMO in Interference Management in Cognitive Radio Networks
In coming years, wireless networks have to serve a large number of data hungry devices due to proliferation of new devices and applications every year. Increasing number of wireless devices (users) are competing for physical layer resources, namely time, space and frequency, to download the data required for different applications. In order to serve a […]
Load Balancing and Interference Management for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
With the proliferation of wireless devices and the advent of bandwidth hungry applications such as video streaming, cloud-based technologies, etc., incremental improvements to existing networks and architectures such as 4G are insufficient to meet the projected data demands in the next five years. This has called for paradigm shifts in next generation networks, i.e., 5G, […]
Dynamic Spectrum Access by Learning Primary Network Topology
This project focuses on developing cooperative algorithms for the identification of spectrum holes and classification of primary network activity by geographically large-scale cognitive radio networks. The project consists of three parts, namely localization, footprint learning and network topology learning. The knowledge of PU location is required in a cognitive radio (CR) network for advanced spectrum […]